1.  Why is the allusion comparing Gatsby to Trimalchio appropriate?

2.  How are Gatsby's crime connections strengthened again to the beginning of the chapter?

3.  How does the weather reflect the action/emotions of the story?

4. What problem does the appearance of Pammy present to Gatsby?

5.  How does Tom find out that Gatsby and Daisy are involved romantically?

6.  Finally the answer to the riddle of Daisy's voice is revealed.  What is it compared to in this chapter?

7.  What is the meaning behind Tom's line that a person can buy anything at a drugstore nowadays?

8.  Tom's scorn for Gatsby is seen as they make their preparations for town. Describe them.

9.  What is the significance of a pink suit?

10.  Who's in which car on the way to town?

11.  Compare Tom's and George's reaction to their wives' infidelity.

12.  What irony is associated with having the martial fight between Tom and Daisy occur at the Plaza Hotel?

13. Why does the author have Tom struggle as he tries to explain the concept of the sun? What does that tell us about his character?

14. Why is Tom so upset about Daisy stepping out on him?

15.  How does Tom go about destroying the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy?

16.  Describe some of the ironies associated with Tom's comments that occur in the hotel room.

17. Why does the author mention that it is Nick's 30th birthday?

18.  Briefly describe the accident. Why did Myrtle run out?

19.  If Tom believes that Gatsby killed Myrtle, why doesn't he tell the police?

20.  How does Nick react when he realizes Gatsby's innocence?

21.  Which picture is the reader left with of Daisy and Tom?

22. What does Nick mean when he states that he left Gatsby keeping watch over nothing?